Saturday, September 5, 2009

My First Official Project Finished

Thank you Edith so so much for helping me sort out the slipper pattern. As it turned out I finished one slipper. Odette tried it on and half of her big toe was sticking out of the crochet pattern. I then decided not to crochet the other foot and opted to give it a better use. As of now it is hanging on Odette's post it wall with a cute little babushka in it. She re-named it "the "hanukah stocking" and has gotten her hopes up to find something in it for hanukahs eve.

Since I did not finish the other slipper, this one cannot be considered a finished project. How-e-ver it did serve me as an experience for learning how to read crochet patterns. So the infamous white bobble purse will be considered my first official finished project for The Knitting Club.


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